Can You Tow an Automatic Car In Park?

Wondering if it’s possible to tow an automatic car while it’s in park? The answer is no. Towing an automatic car in park can cause severe damage to the transmission system. The park position locks the transmission, preventing the wheels from moving freely.

To safely tow an automatic car, it must be in neutral or be lifted off the ground completely. Understanding the proper towing procedures can save you from costly repairs and ensure the safety of your vehicle.

can you tow an automatic car in park

Towing an Automatic Car in Park: Is it Possible?

Many car owners find themselves in a situation where they need to have their vehicle towed. Whether it’s due to a breakdown, an accident, or any other reason, towing is often the safest and most efficient way to transport a disabled car.

However, if you own an automatic car, you may be wondering if it’s possible to tow it while it’s in park.

The short answer is no, it is not advisable to tow an automatic car while it is in park. When a car is in park, it engages a mechanism called the parking pawl, which locks the transmission in place. This mechanism is not designed to withstand the forces exerted during towing, and attempting to do so can cause serious damage to the transmission.

So, what should you do if you need to tow an automatic car? The first step is to consult your vehicle’s owner’s manual. The manual will provide specific instructions on how to properly tow your car, including whether it is safe to tow it with the transmission in neutral or if it requires special equipment.

If your car can be towed with the transmission in neutral, the next step is to ensure that the wheels are properly secured. It is recommended to use a professional tow truck or a tow dolly to safely transport the vehicle. These methods allow the car to be towed without putting additional stress on the transmission.

However, it’s important to note that not all automatic cars can be towed with the transmission in neutral. Some vehicles require the use of a flatbed truck or a car trailer to be safely transported. These methods lift the car completely off the ground, eliminating any risk of damaging the transmission.

Can You Tow an Automatic Car In Park

Understanding the Risks of Towing an Automatic Car in Park

Towing a car can be a necessary and convenient solution in certain situations. However, when it comes to towing an automatic car, there are important considerations and potential risks that need to be understood. One such risk is towing an automatic car while it is in the “park” position.

When a car is in “park” mode, the transmission is essentially locked. This means that the wheels are also locked, making it difficult to tow the vehicle without causing damage. Towing an automatic car in park can lead to various issues and potential damage to the car’s transmission, drivetrain, and tires.

The main risk of towing an automatic car in park is the excessive strain it puts on the transmission. When the car is stationary, the transmission is not designed to handle the forces that occur during towing. This can result in significant damage to the internal components of the transmission, such as the gears, bearings, and clutches.

Additionally, towing an automatic car in park can also cause damage to the drivetrain. The drivetrain includes various components, such as the driveshaft, differential, and axle, which transfer power from the transmission to the wheels. The strain and forces exerted on these components during towing can lead to misalignment, disconnection, or even breakage.

Furthermore, towing an automatic car in park can cause damage to the tires. When the wheels are locked in the park position, they cannot rotate freely. This can result in uneven tire wear, flat spots, or even tire blowouts during towing.

It is important to note that towing an automatic car in park is generally not recommended by car manufacturers and towing professionals. They advise that the car should be in neutral or have the drive wheels off the ground, such as using a flatbed or a dolly, to prevent damage to the transmission, drivetrain, and tires.

If it is absolutely necessary to tow an automatic car in park, it is recommended to consult the car’s owner’s manual or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions. Some car models may have specific procedures or recommendations for towing in park mode that can minimize the risks involved.

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Alternative Options for Towing an Automatic Car in Park

There may come a time when you find yourself in need of towing your automatic car, but it is parked in the “park” position. Towing an automatic car in park can be a challenging task, as it can cause damage to the transmission system. However, there are a few alternative options that you can consider in such situations.

1. Flatbed Tow Truck

The safest and most recommended method for towing an automatic car in park is by using a flatbed tow truck.

A flatbed tow truck has a flat surface and a hydraulic system that allows the entire car to be lifted and transported without causing any damage to the transmission system. This method ensures that all four wheels of the car are off the ground, eliminating the risk of transmission damage.

2. Dollies

Another option for towing an automatic car in park is the use of dollies. Dollies are small platforms with wheels that can be attached to the front or rear wheels of the car. By lifting and securing the wheels on the dollies, the car can be towed without the transmission being engaged.

However, it is important to note that dollies can only be used for towing short distances and at low speeds. They are not suitable for long-distance towing.

3. Drive Shaft Disconnect

In some cases, a drive shaft disconnect system can be installed in the car to allow for towing in park. This system disconnects the drive shaft from the transmission, preventing the transmission from being engaged while the car is being towed.

However, it is important to consult with a professional mechanic or towing expert before considering this option, as it requires modifications to the car’s drivetrain.

4. Professional Towing Service

If you are unsure about the best method to tow your automatic car in park, it is always recommended to seek the assistance of a professional towing service.

They have the expertise and equipment necessary to safely tow your car without causing any damage to the transmission system. Professional towing services can assess the situation and determine the most suitable method for towing your specific car model.

5. Consult the Owner’s Manual

Prior to towing your automatic car in park, it is essential to consult the owner’s manual. The manual will provide specific guidelines and recommendations from the manufacturer regarding towing procedures for your particular car model. Following the manufacturer’s instructions will help prevent any potential damage to the transmission system.

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Precautions to Take if Towing an Automatic Car in Park is Necessary

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to tow an automatic car that is stuck in park, there are a few precautions you should take to ensure the safety of both the vehicle and the people involved.

Towing a car incorrectly can lead to serious damage to the transmission, drivetrain, and other components. To avoid any further complications, follow these precautions:

1. Consult the Owner’s Manual:

Before attempting to tow an automatic car, it is crucial to consult the owner’s manual. The manual will provide specific instructions and guidelines for towing the vehicle safely. It may include information on whether the vehicle can be towed in park mode or if it requires special procedures or equipment.

2. Use a Professional Towing Service:

Unless you have experience and proper equipment for towing a vehicle, it is best to leave this task to a professional towing service. They are trained and equipped to handle any towing situation safely. Professional towing services will have the necessary tools and techniques to handle automatic cars in park without causing any damage.

3. Release the Parking Brake:

Before towing an automatic car in park, make sure to release the parking brake. Keeping the parking brake engaged while towing can damage the transmission and other components. Always double-check that the parking brake is fully disengaged to prevent any unnecessary strain on the vehicle.

4. Use a Tow Dolly or Flatbed Trailer:

If the owner’s manual allows towing in park mode, it is recommended to use a tow dolly or a flatbed trailer. These towing methods ensure that all wheels of the vehicle are off the ground, preventing any damage to the transmission or drivetrain. A tow dolly or flatbed trailer provides a secure and stable platform for towing an automatic car while in park.

5. Inform the Towing Service:

If you decide to use a professional towing service, make sure to inform them that the vehicle is an automatic car stuck in park. This will allow them to prepare the necessary equipment and techniques to safely tow the vehicle without causing any damage. Communication is key to ensure a smooth and incident-free towing process.

6. Avoid Excessive Towing Speeds:

When towing an automatic car in park, it is important to maintain a reasonable and safe towing speed. Excessive speeds can put undue stress on the transmission and other components, leading to potential damage. Follow the recommended speed limits and drive cautiously to prevent any further issues.

7. Inspect the Vehicle After Towing:

After towing the automatic car in park, thoroughly inspect the vehicle for any signs of damage or issues. Check for leaks, unusual noises, or any other abnormalities. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, it is advisable to consult a professional mechanic for a proper inspection and repairs if necessary.

8. Seek Professional Assistance if Needed:

If you are unsure about towing an automatic car in park or encounter any difficulties during the process, it is always better to seek professional assistance. Trying to tow a vehicle without proper knowledge or equipment can result in costly damages and safety hazards. Contact a reputable towing service or a qualified mechanic for guidance and support.

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Seeking Professional Help for Towing an Automatic Car in Park

When it comes to towing a car, most people assume that it’s a straightforward process. However, things can quickly become complicated when you’re dealing with an automatic car that is stuck in park.

Towing such a vehicle requires special attention and expertise to avoid causing further damage. In this section, we will discuss why seeking professional help is essential when towing an automatic car in park.

The Risks of Towing an Automatic Car in Park

Towing a car that is stuck in park can pose various risks, both to the vehicle being towed and to other vehicles on the road. Here are some of the potential risks involved:

  • Transmission damage: Towing an automatic car in park can put excessive strain on the transmission system. This can lead to costly repairs or even complete transmission failure.
  • Brake damage: If the car is in park, it means the parking brake is engaged. Towing the car in this state can cause damage to the braking system.
  • Tire wear and tear: Towing a car with the wheels locked in park can result in uneven tire wear and potential damage to the tires.
  • Steering and suspension issues: The stress of towing an automatic car in park can also affect the steering and suspension components, leading to potential problems down the line.

The Importance of Professional Expertise

Towing an automatic car in park requires specialized knowledge and equipment. Professional tow truck operators have the necessary experience and expertise to handle this situation safely and effectively. Here’s why seeking professional help is crucial:

  • Proper equipment: Professional tow truck operators are equipped with the right tools and equipment specifically designed for towing automatic cars in park. They have the necessary mechanisms to release the parking brake safely and tow the vehicle without causing any damage.
  • Expert techniques: Professionals are trained in using proper techniques to disengage the park mode and safely tow the vehicle. They understand the intricacies of different automatic transmission systems and can handle them accordingly.
  • Legal compliance: In many jurisdictions, towing a car in park without the help of a professional is not only risky but also illegal. Professional tow truck operators are familiar with the local regulations and ensure that all the necessary legal requirements are met during the towing process.
  • Insurance coverage: When you seek professional help for towing an automatic car in park, you can rest assured that your vehicle is covered by their insurance in case any damage occurs during the towing process. This provides you with added peace of mind.

When it comes to towing an automatic car that is stuck in park, it’s crucial to seek professional help. Attempting to tow the vehicle yourself or relying on inexperienced individuals can lead to further damage and unnecessary expenses.

Professional tow truck operators have the expertise, equipment, and legal compliance necessary to tow your vehicle safely and efficiently. Don’t take any risks with your valuable asset, and always choose professional help for towing an automatic car in park.


Can you tow an automatic car in park?

No, it is not recommended to tow an automatic car while it is in park. Towing an automatic car in park can cause damage to the transmission. To tow an automatic car, it should be in neutral or lifted off the ground using a flatbed tow truck.


In conclusion, towing an automatic car while it’s in park is not recommended and can potentially damage the vehicle. When a car is in park, the transmission is locked, preventing the wheels from turning freely.

Attempting to tow the car in this state can put excessive strain on the transmission and other components, leading to costly repairs. It is always best to consult the car’s manufacturer or a professional towing service for guidance on the proper procedures for towing an automatic car.

Taking these precautions will help ensure the safety of the vehicle and prevent further damage.

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