Will Adding Oil Make Car Start?

Many people believe that if a car won’t start, adding oil to the engine can help get it going. But is this belief actually true?

adding oil to car

In this article, we will explore the role that oil plays in a car’s operation and whether adding oil can help a car start if it won’t turn on.

How a car’s engine works?

A car’s engine is what powers the vehicle and allows it to move. It does this through a process called internal combustion, in which fuel is ignited in the engine’s cylinders to create a controlled explosion.

This explosion pushes a piston, which is connected to the crankshaft, causing it to rotate. The rotation of the crankshaft powers the car’s wheels through a system of gears and belts.

One of the essential substances that allows this process to occur smoothly is oil. Oil serves several important functions in a car’s engine, including:


Oil helps to reduce friction between the moving parts of the engine, allowing them to glide past each other more easily. Without proper lubrication, these parts can rub against each other and cause damage over time.


Oil absorbs heat from the engine as it runs, helping to keep its temperature within a safe range.


Oil helps to keep the engine clean by carrying away dirt and debris that can build up during operation.

Can adding oil help a car start?

There are many potential reasons why a car might not start, including issues with the battery, spark plugs, fuel system, or starter motor.

In some cases, low oil levels could be the cause. If the oil level is too low, it can cause the engine to seize up and prevent it from starting.

Therefore, it is possible that adding oil to the engine could help a car start if the issue is related to low oil levels.

However, it is important to note that adding oil will not fix every issue that could cause a car not to start. If the problem is due to a faulty battery or spark plugs, for example, adding oil will not be a solution.

It is also worth mentioning that adding too much oil to the engine can be just as problematic as having too little.

If the oil level becomes too high, it can cause the oil to foam and lose its ability to lubricate the engine properly. This can also lead to engine damage.

When to add oil to a car?

To ensure that a car’s engine is receiving the proper amount of oil, it is important to regularly check the oil level using the dipstick. The dipstick is a long, thin rod that is located near the engine and can be removed to check the oil level.

To check the oil level, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the dipstick and remove it from the engine.
  2. Wipe the dipstick clean with a cloth or paper towel.
  3. Reinsert the dipstick into the engine and remove it again.
  4. Look at the dipstick to determine the oil level. There should be a mark indicating the minimum and maximum levels. The oil level should be within this range.

If the oil level is low, it can be topped off by adding more oil to the engine. It is essential to use the correct type of oil for the car, as specified in the owner’s manual. Using the wrong type of oil can cause damage to the engine.

It is also essential to keep an eye on the age of the oil. Over time, oil can break down and lose its ability to lubricate the engine effectively.

Most experts recommend changing the oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles or every six months, whichever comes first.


In conclusion, adding oil to a car’s engine can help if the issue causing the car not to start is related to low oil levels.

However, it is not a solution for every issue that could cause a car not to start. Maintaining the proper oil level is essential for the health and performance of the car’s engine.

Regularly checking the oil level and using the correct type of oil can help ensure that the engine is receiving the lubrication and protection it needs to run smoothly.

Can I just add any type of oil to my car if it’s low on oil?

No, it is important to use the specific type of oil recommended for your car, as indicated in the owner’s manual. Using the wrong type of oil can cause damage to the engine.

How often should I check my car’s oil level?

It is generally recommended to check the oil level at least once a month. It is also a good idea to check the oil level before taking a long road trip.

How do I know if my car’s oil needs to be changed?

The frequency at which oil needs to be changed can vary based on factors such as the type of oil being used, the age of the car, and the driving conditions.

In general, most experts recommend changing the oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles or every six months, whichever comes first. However, it is always a good idea to consult the owner’s manual for specific recommendations.

Is it bad to drive a car with low oil levels?

Yes, driving a car with low oil levels can be harmful to the engine. Oil is essential for lubricating and cooling the engine, and if the oil level is too low, it can cause the engine to seize up or overheat.

Can I just keep adding oil to my car if it is always low on oil?

If a car is consistently low on oil, it could be a sign of a more significant issue, such as a leak or an oil-burning engine.

It is important to have these issues addressed by a mechanic to prevent further damage to the engine. Simply adding more oil will not solve the underlying problem.

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